Dark Clouds~ It's a rainy day, I'm in the middle of exams, and I'm ready for this year of school to end. This has been a long year of interesting experiences and there is nothing I would like more than to go home and enjoy my summer vacation. Funny, I never thought coming into this school year that the things that happened would happened. This is my sophomore year of College and I'm on my way to becoming a Junior. Time is going by so fast, just thinking that in 3 years or less, I will be on my own in the world. It's a cold hard place and I'm not excited about jumping into it. It seems like just a few years ago, I was in middle school, hangin out in the corner with my crew, acting up. Now, I'm halfway through college. I hate to admit it, but I'm actually scared. I'm scared that I'm going to get out there and screw up, end up letting my mother down or something. I'm scared that if I don't meet my future wife here in college, I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life. I'm scared that I may not even make it to graduation. There are a lot of asshole professors that are just out to make your life here miserable. At the same time though, I know that if I overcome all my fears and succeed, I will have a lot to be proud of. That thought alone is what keeps me going day in and day out. Making it.
Black Thoughts
My Everyday Thoughts AIM: Vasuperman2k Email: Vasuperman2k@hotmail.com
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