Emotionz~ Dammit, I seriously need to vent in some way shape or form. I'm so fucked up in the head right now, I can't even write poetry, and that's sayin a hell of a muthafuckin lot. I'm so pissed, I can't even get specific. I just gotta write and keep typing to expell some of my energy. I really, really, really try to be a good person. I really do. *sigh* but I can feel the loose cannon coming back with a vengeance. I feel like Bruce Banner right now. I've kept shit down so long, it's like boiling up inside of me and any little thing can make me flip the script and snap on anybody. Innocent or not. I just cannot explain what the fuck I'm feeling right now. I'm going to bed, I'll feel better in the morning. Shit, Damn, Muthafucka!!
Black Thoughts
My Everyday Thoughts AIM: Vasuperman2k Email: Vasuperman2k@hotmail.com
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