My Life: Volume 2, pt. 2~ I know, I know, my titles are getting outta control. But fuck it. It's my shit, I do what the fuck I want wit it. Anyways, I left off last time after talkin bout my lil mishap wit the law, and if ur wondering what happened wit that, 1) the community service was a joke. I spent basically two days driving around wit B-love pickin niggas up and delivering things. Errand boy. It was more like a vacation then anything. I'm supposed to be gettin punished, and the cats that are supervisin us are buyin us lunch and putting a full tank of gas in my car. lol. Sometimes life can be soooo good. And if we wern't running errands, we were just sittin around talkin to the other people on community service, a few HU negros and negresess. The whole experience was an excuse to make new connections. Anyway, part two of the C.A.S. saga continues while I talk about...HU girl from a couple posts down. Heh, HU girl. I have to say, she was cool peoples sometimes, but on other times, she was down wit some other shit, like the story that I told before. Makin me drive all the way from Norfolk to Hampton, and back to Norfolk, only to turn right around 20 min later and take her ass back to Hampton. The hell kind of shit is that? Anyways, I got tired of her playin games wit me. Now before I tell this story, I have to say that usually, I'm a pretty forgiving person. Two years ago, I wasn't that way. I was a fuckin loose cannon, and I would flip over some dumb shit. But as the years have passed, I've learned to control my temper, and forgive people, even when they do some fucked up shit to me. Anyways, back to tha story. After we got back from summer vacation this year, she called me (she's from atlanta, so I only saw her when school was in session) and we would talk and whatnot. I'm not really a phone person, so most of the time she was doing most of the talking. And she was just sayin some fucked up shit (can't even remember what she said, I just remember it was fucked up). So I'm like fuck this nice guy shit. Her birthday was coming up, and she's throwing hints that she wants me to take her out on her birthday. I'm like, "aiight, I can do that." I'm gassin her up all week bout the shit, tellin her all the things I'm gonna do, and when the night comes, I end up chillin wit some girls that I drink wit on the regular. Yeah, I did it. I stood her ass up, on her muthafuckin birthday. That's some grimy shit, I'll be the first to admit it. But she crossed the line and tried my fuckin patience. I don't think niggas understand that I come from a place where niggas did dirty shit to cats everyday, and that me and my best friends grew up around these dudes. I can do a muthafucka dirty and not think twice about it. But I'm trying to become a better person, so I reserve that right for emergency's only. Me gassin her up and standing her ass up on her B-day was some emergency shit. But that was a while ago, and now I feel kinda bad about it, but whats done is done, haven't talked to her since. Life goes on. Stay tuned for My Life: Volume muthafuckin 3. It's a doozie. (don't act like you ain't never heard that shit before, lol)
Black Thoughts
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