Black Thoughts

My Everyday Thoughts AIM: Vasuperman2k Email:

Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I'm Black

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

My Life: Volume 2~ Damn. My last post wasn't since last april, and it's damn near april again. Damn near a fuckin year. Lot of shit done gone down since then. I clearly didn't live up to my word and put up a story everyday. Which is just as well cause when I look at all my old entries I get a clear picture of how wack my ass can be sometimes. Anyways, u know when I'm writin in this muthafucka some shit done went down. But I'm a take a few stories from the past and catch niggas up on whats been goin down in the life of C.A.S. Hmmm...where to start, where to begin? Hows bout we start last year, round the Summer of '03. Up to this point, I've ran through many girls, and when I say run through, I don't mean I fucked all of them, just that I've been making my rounds and shit. Anyways, summertime. I had some good times this past summers. Long story short, I got in orgy's, damn near had a threesome, got my dick sucked a couple times, had a girl want me just for sex (that just doesn't happen in real life! Heh, but it happened to me this summer) got fucked up plenty of times, played nudie games wit girls, went on various adventures wit my niggas. And that spans over like the first two months of the summmer. I'm a have to break this entry into two parts. Anyways, the biggest shit I got into was wit my mans B-love. Long story short, me and B, and this cat named...(lets call him sappy) were smokin a blunt in a cut that we basically had taken over for a year and a half. On this day however, the people that live around there decided that they were tired of us and apparently called the cops on us. The image burned in my head will never leave me for the rest of my life. I just see a bright ass light shine in my car and I know it's over. Cops ask us what we were doin and we try to lie. They threaten us wit the K-9 and jail, so we fess up and basically we get away wit a one way ticket to criminal court for marijuana. Sucks. At this point, I'm definetly trying to keep this shit from my parents and I succeed for a month, then the day before my court date, my car wants to fuck up and start leaking oil. I fill my shit up right before i go to court and hope my shit don't lock up before I get back. Everything is cool when I get back. My punishment? One year of probation, 24 hours of community service, suspended license for 6 months (which I got back in January), random piss testing, and a guilty conscience. After court, my car is still fuckin up, and my moms is basically like "we're tired of fixing it, we're just gonna get u another one." Now at first I'm happy as hell, but then I think. "If I'm gonna get a new car, I'm a need to test drive it, if I test drive it, I'm a need a license. I don't have license cause the court just took it away today. Shit, that means I'm a have to tell them." I literally sit in my yard for 3 hours thinking about how I'm a tell my mom that I caught a weed charge. Her "perfect, 'I got a son in college who means the world to me' son. Not an easy thing. Anyways, long story short, when I told her that I had something to tell her, she thought I had gotten someone pregnant, and when she found out it was weed charge, she just shrugged it off, and went bout her business. The most I got was a "I hope u learn ur lesson" speech. That was one of the biggies of the summer. See the other post for the rest of My Life: Volume 2


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