Life~ Life is funny. Some days it feels like the whole world is against you. Ever notice that. You wake up to someone banging on your door and you get pissed, then later in the day something may happen like you lose your money, or whatever. Yall know what I'm sayin. I don't need to get all into details. Anywho, I've had my days, and for the most part they have been good. I just recently quit my job at Golden Corral. Them muthafuckas was fucked up in the head. Had a nigga workin 8 hour shifts or longer for 7 days strait then give me one day off. So I quit, and it was a big decision for me. I made a good 4 - 500 dollars a week at that job and I had everything that I wanted. But the day I quit I had to ask myself this question: "Is everything that you have to deal with here, worth the money?" And the answer was no, so I just up and quit. Walked out, and I never felt happier. I felt so free, like I had my whole life to catch up with because it had been stripped away from me for the whole summer. Then reality set in and I had to sit and listen to my mom bitchin at me to find another job. Truth be told, I was very well off. I had saved enough money to maintain my lifestyle for the summer, so I wasn't really pressed about finding another job. "If I get one I get one, if I don't I don't." That was my attitude. But anyways, long story short, I got an interview at Red Lobster and today they told me that they wanted to hire me but I had to wait two weeks for the next training class. Now, I had my doubts like, "yeah right, they ain't hirin my ass, when I call back they gonna be like, 'oh, yeah, call back again.' " Then after worrying if they was gonna hire me I was basically like "fuck it". No use worrying about something that's out of my control. Right? I found that I can live my life a lot more stress free if I stop crying over shyt I can't control, and do something about the things that I can control. It's that simple. Life is a game of trial and error and it seems like I always learn my lessons the hard way. I always "discover" the most simple answer after taking the most difficult path and putting my mental through hell. Well I'm done with it. From now on, I trust my instincts just go with the flow. After all, a wise man once said: "Don't take life too seriously, you'll never make it out alive anyways." Holla.
Black Thoughts
My Everyday Thoughts AIM: Vasuperman2k Email: